Friday, November 19, 2010


i secretly hate blogging.
i secretly love driving everywhere.
i secretly am always smiling.
i secretly love hand-me-downs.
i secretly couldn't live my life without a personal relationship with my Heavenly Father.
i secretly wish every hot guy would sing romantic 50's songs to me.
i secretly don't care about learning any instrument.
i secretly don't have a clue as to how i'm going to make my dream life come true.

i dont want to write anymore.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


i'm sorry. that hiatus was what i needed...
well, in the past few months not too much has happened.
with exception to finishing the Book of Mormon for the first time, starting el Libro de Mormon, i made a nook in my room, i was late to school for the first time, i devloped film, i decided that i need to get my music exploring pants on and search the web, i gave gallons of clothes away, i picked up trash that was in the grass in front of my seminary building, i did the turkey/ dolphin/ wookie sound at school, and lastly i possibly broke a camera.

alright, i better go to school. thanks for reading!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

its raining right now.

what a rare thing in this dry city!
well today while planning my future wedding i was thinking that love rocks. how awesome is it that there is someone out there that would do absolutely anything for you, and you get to have them? who doesnt want that? and to be with that person for the rest of your life? and then, if you make it to the temple to have them there for time, and all eternity?
there is not one thing better than love.
i cant say i know from experience, because i havent found the love of my life yet, but i know thou my siblings who are married, and my parents. just the look in their eyes shows me that what they are feeling is the best. ahhhh i cant wait to get married in the temple!!!!

so that brings me to thinking, is love only for a man and a woman? or for two men, or two women to have? and i believe that a man was made for a woman. not anything else, or any other man. God made us into corresponding shapes like puzzle pieces from the clay. it just makes sense. there is no other way than this. because were like magnets! the + side goes with the -, there is no exception.

love is love, and it is made for one man, and one woman.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


as many of you people know, i love photography.
well to be less specific, i love art. (period)
but today i had an idea to write about how i got started with it.
it all started in 5th grade.... when i got my first camera for christmas i had a kodak point and shoot. i remember being so excited about it because it had 3 megapixels. the picture i think that really started it off was this one. . the one of lindsay in the left top. i remember taking it and looking at the sky and just thinking it was so beautiful. so i kept trying to take more. and it may have been before that picture was taken, but my dad took me to the car show after i had just gotten the camera. and i took a picture of a super awesome car, and i showed it to my dad and i remember him telling me "that should be on the cover of a magazine!". oh my goodness it was such a compliment to me. i felt so good after he told me that i decided to take more. until one fateful day that kodak camera died. my brother vince said that it died because i had turned it off and on too many times, so i guess it was ok that it died...but that camera had seen so many wonderful events, such as the teddy geiger concert: , the time where we all went to a foothill game as 5th graders, , and who cold forget this? .
after that camera i got yet another kodak! this time it was 5 megapixels. woah dang. it looked a little somethin like this . it didnt last long. not even a year. but there were a couple life-changing pictures taken on that camera. they were
then there was my mom's camera....the other kodak. that little beauty took all my pictures in dc, and when i was all emo. ahhh good times!

then there was my olympus phase.

during my olymupus phase i was actually in a photography class, which truly helped me alot.

i love this picture so much.
at this point in time i was in high school. and photography had become a part of me. i did it regularly, and tried to do my best. and one year i got another olympus camera. the sp uz 565 or something like that. my favorite thing to do on that camera was open shutter pictures.
like this:

come away with me
and now that leads me to where i am now.
here, is where i ask myself if i am really serious about this. if i really should dream to be a fashion photographer. if i really should put so much into this. if i really should consider this as the thing i do for the rest of my life.
and its here where i want to answer yes. why not continue going up? i was given the eye, and the knowledge of the camera, so why not keep going? i'm going to become the photographer of the celebrity you see on the front of vogue. i believe that if i really try, and know that anything is possible, (with the Lord's help:] ) that i will succeed. and all my dreams will be granted. and if they arent i know that i was brought this far for a reason. He's brought me this far. My parents have kept me going, and have always believed in me. and through those people, i know that my dreams are achievable, and very close to coming true. so here i am. just let me know where to go. :)

and now, here i am:
san geminianobustedyay!day eightpatriciahecho en mexicomama like:)hillary!my cousin.
Milan and Briannamilan and briannnnnna!cute little bunnyhillary.the corn fieldangel moroniJoseph and Hyrum Smith